comps outcome

I passed comps! totally and completely!!!

I am officially in dissertation phase

ABD (all but dissertation)

And a doctoral candidate

About Sarah The Vicar of Hogsmeade

I'm an United Methodist clergywoman with two daughters. I read. I geocache. I look for excuses to laugh. My Ph.D. is on Clergywomen and Grief.
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16 Responses to comps outcome

  1. Songbird says:

    You are TEH awesome!!!

  2. cheesehead says:

    Completely awesome: that’s you!

  3. zorra says:

    WOOOOO HOOOOO!!!!!!HOORAY!!!!!!!FAntastic! Celebrate tonight!

  4. ElastiGirl says:

    YAYYYYYYYY!!!!! Way to Go Vicar!!!!!!

  5. Kathryn says:

    You are AMAZING! Many Congratulations xxx

  6. Mary Beth says:

    My eyes are crying! This SO ROCKS!!!!!!!!Go YOU!!!!!Go GOD!

  7. DogBlogger says:

    WHOOO-HOOOOO!!!!!!Yep, TEH awesome.Let me know if you’re interested in celebrating tonight…. I know where to find a free concert of rockin’ preachers at 7:00 (Doobie Brothers and Elton John tribute night – benefiting UMCOR).

  8. Cathy says:

    WOO HOO!!!! Doing a southern girl dance for you! (I am not sure what that means, but it sounds good and appropriate!)Just tickled for you!

  9. RevDrKate says:

    Woo-HOO! You are the GREATEST! This is soooooooo fantastic!!!! Under any circumstances this is such an accomplishment… and you did not just do it under “any”….YOU ARE AMAZING! Proud of you girl!

  10. As my not-quite-three-year-old back-pew parishioner says, loudly and often, “Bravo! and AL-LOOL-YA!”

  11. Michelle says:

    Wheee…..enjoying the feeling, and all the graces that come with it!

  12. Hallelujah and Wooo Hooo too! You underestimate yourself!

  13. Rev Honey says:

    AWESOME!!! So proud of you and happy for you…sending hugs and prayers your way+

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